But it can be difficult to keep track of all aspects of your personal finances. When you’re in control of your finances, you can feel more confident, secure, and happy. What are your financial goals? Do you have enough to cover your basic costs? Do you have enough to cover unexpected expenses? Are you putting enough away in savings? There are a number of things you have to consider when you’re looking at your finances. Android is a trademark of Google Inc.It can be tough to get a grip on your personal finances. iPhone and iPad are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. Quicken is a registered trademark of Intuit Inc., used under license. 30-day money back guarantee: If you’re not satisfied, contact Quicken within 30 days of purchase with your order confirmation for a full refund of the purchase price.Free, ongoing enhancements and updates are on a when-and-if-available basis through end of the subscription period.Mobile app is not designed to function for use outside of Canada. The App is a companion app and will work only with Quicken 2017 and above desktop products.
Not all Quicken desktop features are available in the App. Quicken app (“App”) is compatible with iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Android phones and tablets. Standard message and data rates may apply for sync, e-mail and text alerts.275+ Canadian participating financial institutions as of September 12, 2022. Included with your subscription are monitoring alerts and data download from participating financial institutions or other parties which are available for 12 months immediately after you purchase your Quicken subscription customer phone support, online features and services vary, require internet access and/or may be subject to change, application approval, fees, additional terms and conditions. You can manage your subscription at your My Account page. For full details regarding your subscription policy, please consult Quicken Terms of Use. At the end of the 12-month period, this subscription will automatically renew and you will be charged the then-current price (prices subject to change), unless you cancel before the renewal date. Full payment will be charged to your card immediately. Purchasing the subscription entitles you to Quicken for 12 months.